Here’s what people are saying about Restoration Systems:
I was very interested to read the article ‘Dam Nation’ in Endeavors magazine, concerning your work in North Carolina. I have long been a proponent of dam removal, for both aesthetic and environmental reasons, and it is gratifying that it is becoming more accepted by the mainstream. It is also helpful to have a resource where the benefits of dam removal are spelled out so clearly, and examples of success stories. I am a GIS application developer, and while I currently work on dispatch maps for 9-1-1 emergency centers, I always find myself drawn to the hydrology layers in the various projects we create.
Just wanted to let you know that article was appreciated by UNC alumni on many levels. Thanks again…
At first I was reluctant to do this project, but Restoration Systems did a good job of explaining it to me and worked out a great deal. Now that it’s all finished, I couldn’t be happier. Restoration Systems has been straightforward and great to work with and I am glad I did it.
I would say the quality of the River above the Carbonton Dam has vastly improved.
My wife and I have 17 acres on the (Deep) River we use for camping. Since the dam removal we now have a shoreline and can hike up and down the river. Shortly after the water dropped we noticed an old bridge structure that we now use as a swimming spot. The water flows and is clear, except after a heavy rain. Before we often noticed an unpleasant odor coming from the river; that odor is now gone.
There are now shale cliffs on the bank. These are great for climbing or just hanging out. We plan to clear the old trees on a portion of the bank in order to have a ‘beach’ for our additional enjoyment. Before the dam was removed none of these features were evident; in fact they were all underwater.
I don’t fish (but have seen many ‘Shiners’ at the old bridge) so I can’t speak as to what effect the removal has had on the fishing. As far as the general enjoyment of the Deep River, we feel our property has been greatly improved.
Siler City contacted Restoration Systems in 2001 to see if they could provide 9900 feet of ‘turn-key’ stream mitigation credit for our badly needed reservoir expansion. The company quoted us a price almost 50% less than the state fee — and guaranteed it for three years, until we were ready to proceed. When permit time came, the credit was ready and waiting just as promised. Restoration Systems was good to work with and helped Siler City meet its mitigation requirements for this very important public project.