Aerial Pics: Recent Photos from the Jesuit Bend Mitigation Bank

We hired a chopper last week to get some additional pics of Jesuit Bend from the air. Very conveniently, the chopper service…Jesuit Bend Helicopters…is located about a Five-Iron from the bank site.

The “open water” you see in the photos will all eventually be filled with 1.8 million cubic yards of sand dredged 90′ down from the nearby Mississippi River and pumped to shore. Then it will be pumped a further four miles down river, up and over the “river levee,” under the highway and train tracks, over the west bank “flood levee,” and ultimately shoved around by heavy equipment to restore new marsh where now there is open water.

So, while these photos are interesting, you can only imagine how cool the photos will be when the site is actually under construction!

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