Fish pic and a blog program note

Fish Pic: I caught this King Mackerel this weekend fishing with some old buddies off Sunset Beach, North Carolina.  It is unclear how large the large mackerel was because the captain did not want to weigh the large fish — and I was taking orders.   He said it was around 23 pounds, though several experts tell me this is a ridiculous insult.

Program Note: We have changed the email notification for the blog to “weekly,” from “per post.”   All of us are wanting to blog more and this would probably amount to more than one blog per week, and thus more than one email per week to you.   We think a weekly email from RS is plenty.  But let us know, and we would be happy to reset you to “per post,”  “monthly,” or you can unsubscribe altogether using the anonymous link in the notification email.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to test WordPress and experiment with the best ways to communicate what we do with you.
