Cape Fear River Watch is having a forum this week on the “fate” of the Lock and Dams on the Cape Fear River. The Lock and Dams no longer operate for river traffic but cost the government more than $800,000 each year to maintain. RS has proposed removing the structures as compensatory mitigation for large-scale regional impacts to the watershed.
This is late notice but we wanted to get it out there:
“Cape Fear River Watch is sponsoring a public forum on the fate of the Cape Fear River locks and dams on Wednesday evening, October 11 at 7:00 PM at CFRW Environmental Education Center, 617 Surry Street in downtown Wilmington. The Environmental Education Center is located one block towards the drawbridge from Soloman’s Towers. Forum panelists include Mike Wicker, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Frank Yelverton, Army Corps of Engineers, and Mary Ann Hinshaw, City of Wilmington.
If you have any questions that you would like the panelists to consider as they prepare for this forum, please email these questions to me, Richard Cecelski, forum coordinator: [EMAIL available from RS].
Please see attached an announcement of this forum. Please post or forward to any interested parties.
We hope that you can attend this forum. Thank you for being part of this process.”
Richard Cecelski
Board of Directors