We just returned from the National Mitigation Banking Conference last week in Sacramento, where old friend David Robinson gave an excellent presentation on the benefits of “Full-Delivery” mitigation procurement systems. You can also view it here on his website: http://www.full-delivery.com/
By way of background, as some readers will know, the NC Ecosystem Enhancement program is North Carolina’s unique, state-wide, non-regulatory, Fee Program. The NCEEP sells hundreds of millions of dollars of mitigation to the public and the government at government established rates. The NCEEP is the funnel through which the vast majority of mitigation in North Carolina flows.
The program develops the mitigation sold to the public in two ways. ”In-House,” where the state identifies the land and purchases it themselves, then contracts with separate firms to design, construct, and care for the site, with no firm responsible for the entire project, and various state employees responsible for various parts.
Or, the NCEEP accomplishs the mitigation by conducting a bonded, public, low-bid system called “Full-Delivery.” In the Full-Delivery system, companies like Restoration Systems will identify and contract for the purchase of the land privately; and, if awarded, acquire, design, construct, and care for the site long term — with all resulting credits accruing to the state.
Back to Dr. Robinson. David was instrumental in the development of Full-Delivery mitigation as the preferred alternative for large state purchases of compensatory mitigation in North Carolina. He mid-wifed the birth of the innovative procurement system at the Department of Transportation in the 1990’s and has seen it adopted by other agencies, and other states, lately including South Carolina.
Robinson makes the case here that large government purchases of environmental mitigation should utilize a competitive “Full-Delivery” procurement model that lowers costs, reduces risk for the buyer and stimulates green jobs for the economy.
Take it away Dr. D….
Robinson on Full-Delivery mitigation for wetlands, streams and other natural assets
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I have just published a book – Full Delivery Manual
You may order it at the following URL:
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email me at dcr@full-delivery.com for details
Not sure if I posted correctly last time.
Nevertheless, here is some news.
FULL DELIVERY HANDBOOK (by me) has just been published.
For more information and/or to purchase, go to
To read the June edition of “MakesPerfectSense” – a pdf version of a slide presentation – see www.full-delivery.com/bookspresentations.html I discuss outsourcing of mitigation procurement in general and how the Full Delivery process fits it; plus the implications to both the mitigation procurer and the mitigation bank/provider.